Update 19th of February 2017
As you may or may not have noticed I have the last couple of sundays written a gaming news article, which I named Gaming Dispatch. I decided to not do so today, mainly because I am not pleased with the way said articles turned out. Instead I wanted to do a little update on my project/blog/website, whatever you want to call it.
The reason why I don’t like Gaming Dispatch in its current form is that I felt it got a bit messy and that reciting what other media outlets have written is not all that fun. I do not want to throw the series away however, rather to change and revamp it. How will I change it you might ask. Firstly I want to cover less stuff but in more detail, and not just gather information from what others have said, but to discuss various topics myself. Take for example the Steam Direct story, here I would have liked to discuss what good and what bad could come of it, I think that would be more fun both to read and to write. I also found the articles I wrote to lack in interesting stories, even though I tried to gather the most interesting news I could find. I guess the reason for this is that more often than not there is not a whole lot of noteworthy news out there, which is the reason that I will now focus on one or two stories a week. Furthermore to make the articles a bit more eye catching I am working on a logo for series.
And on the topic of eye catching… In its current form my blog thingy looks absolutely terrible, dreadful! This is, as you might imagine, something I want to change, but I don’t have a ton of knowledge when it comes to creating a website so I can’t tell you exactly when this change is going to happen. Hopefully it won’t be too long as I can’t imagine why anyone would click on a page looking like that.
Something else I have been working on is a new series that is called Nostalgia Highway. My plan is to look back at game that I remember playing when I was younger (thereby feeling nostalgic) and see how I like it today. I have finished the first article quite a while ago actually but I want to get the logo for it done before publishing, shouldn’t bee too long as it is coming along nicely. Nostalgia Highway will not be a review but there are some similarities of course. I will likely not go as in depth and I will try to keep it a bit shorter. For some games it might also more or less turn into a rant, as not every game will be as good as I remember them to be. Nonetheless I think it will be fun to re-explore my childhood games and see if any of them are good to this day, although it will most likely crush some of my childhood gaming memories.
Other than that… I will continue writing game reviews, maybe a small movie review every now and again if I watch something fantastic or awful, I will focus on games though. I do also have a YouTube video planned, but I don’t think that will be done anytime soon as I often don’t have access to my desktop since I go to university and currently don’t have the space for my primary gaming system. For the same reason I will tend to focus on games that are rather resource friendly, for the time being at least. That’s about it I think, guess I can sum things up a bit.
Gaming Dispatch going on a small break to be revamped, new series called Nostalgia Highway coming soon, new review will be up in the coming month, and a new/or revamped website will be up in the hopefully foreseeable future. Cya.
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