Initally a post about my difficulty of expressing myself (or something), but it turned into this...
The problem of expressing myself. This is something i have thought about for quite a while now, to explain my thoughts, that is something i have always struggled with. I am actually struggling a bit right now, as I am writing this. But this is something i want to get better at, which is one of the reasons why I wanted to start reviewing videogames, the other being that i simply love videogames.
I have always had problems explaining to someone what i think about something, but still i like when people ask for my opinion. It’s not like I have any problem thinking about stuff, I think quite a lot, and that is something I like to do. But the problem comes when I have to put words on my thoughts, words in sentences that makes sense outside my head.
There are a lot of things I want to do. One is to write, write about videogames, movies, and simply my thoughts on stuff. I also want to make videogames in the future, so my future education is probably heading in that direction. I may want to make videos on YouTube or something too, not now, but maybe later. But i am not quite sure if I am fit to do that though, but one thing i do now is that i can’t find out unless i try.
One thing i have been trying to do is, if i think about something, I write it down. Its not really that often I remember to do so, but i believe it to be a learning process. Even now i don’t really know what i am writing, i just try to write anything that pops up in my head. Like wanting to watch another episode of Game of Thrones. But i know if I do that, I will not improve on the things i am trying to describe here.
Just after this small text i have written know, my brain feels exhausted. But i have to bare in mind that it is starting to get late, so its quite natural that i’m starting to feel tired. Well listening to some of the soundtrack of SAO at least wakes me up a bit. Man i love music in that anime, it’s terrific. The general plot of the series may not be that good, but the music, the music is perfect. Especially Swordland and Survive the Swordland, those songs are so good!
Suddenly there was a lot of talk about SAO in the paragraph above. I am actually quite happy with that, I managed to write my thoughts! I didn’t bother to go indepth and explain why I like the music, since that not really what i was supposed to do in this… whatever I am writing. But what am I supposed to do? Oh yeah, expressing my thoughts, i guess it would be okay to go as in depth as i would like then...
Right now I am realising that i have written much more than i had anticipated, and I am also starting to wonder if i should go through the text after I am finished, to clean it up, to have a chance that the text would actually be good. Because i know that this text isn’t particularly good written, most of it probably doesn’t even hang together (if i can even write that, it sounds wrong, but I can’t find a good alternative). This text didn’t become anything like I intended, in fact I seem to have forgotten how I intended this text to be. And I don’t care. I am just happy I have been able to write this much about what I think. Because of this I don’t think i should go through the text and try to make it “good”, because then neither I, or anyone else can read through it later, and see what I was thinking while writing this. Ofcourse there are stuff i thought about that I didn’t write, I think faster than i type, so its kind of inevitable.
Oh, and one more thing. I have called this “project” of mine Acerien Project, this name I have decided to drop. Instead I am naming it Project ImProvement, the reason behind this is written below this paragraph. It is because I actually wrote it while I was writing the second paragraph, but I thought about it, so I wrote it down.
I know that a name really doesn’t mean much to people reading this, but to me it may mean something. The name acerien does not mean anything to me, it’s just a name i thought was a bit “cool”, but the name Project ImProvement, that i actually thought of years ago, means something. Project ImProvement fits with what I am trying to do, create a project where i can improve myself, and share my thoughts with other people, so they can learn something from me (hopefully I write something that is worth learning).
This is it for this time, hopefully I can get done writing another review soon too. Whether it's going to be for Always Sometime Monster, Metro: Last Light, or Mad Max: Fury Road, we’ll see. Take care and have a nice day.
I am Improvement
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