
Viser innlegg fra april, 2015

One Finger Death Punch review - Time to punch

Developer: Silver Dollar Games Publisher: Silver Dollar Games Format: PC (reviewed), Xbox 360 Released: 3. march 2014 Copy bought by my self I like One Finger Death Punch. Not to say that it does not have any flaws, but simply that it is fun to play. With its fast paced action and excellent feedback I found it hard to quit the game, I just wanted to play one more level, then one more, and so on. Even to sometimes redo the level to get that platinum medal, which quickly became a bit too difficult. It is a bit funny how the game works. When you are doing good, you get rewarded with a more difficult game, if this is a reward or not you can decide for yourself. What it does is to speed up the game. You start at a 100%, and you can go all the way up to 200%, so when you are doing good the speed increases, and if you get hit, or dies the speed decreases. Even though it may not be that much of a reward that the games gets more difficult, it quite satisfying when you get clo...

Quick update

Hi, Acerien here I have decided that i want to change this project a bit. At first i thought of just doing a game review every month, in other words a game critique project called Acerien Game Critique. But instead i will change the name to simply “Acerien Project” or “Project Acerien” i have not yet decided. So instead of just doing game reviews i would like to share my thoughts on multiple subjects. So let’s see how that’s going work out. Also, right now i am working on a review of One Finger Death Punch, hopefully it is going to be posted on the 15th of april. In addition i am going to make some changes to the looks of my page, and make a logo and some stuff. Not completely sure when this is going to get done, but hopefully i have enough time to do it quite quickly. I may write more than one post a month too, but this is not for certain. And last, in May i am going to do a review of Transistor, so stay tuned for that. Acerien out.