
Viser innlegg fra juni, 2017

Gaming Dispatch - June #2

Welcome to back to Gaming Dispatch, where I tell you about some of the most interesting stuff that has happened in gaming the past weeks (weeks), at least what I find interesting. This issue will unfortunately be a bit short as a result of not a lack of time to keep up with everything that has happened, but regardless here is what you can expect in the following article. E3 happened a couple of weeks ago where some games were shown, Steam summer sale kicked off with over 18 000 items on sale, and some great Starcraft tournaments happened! So without further ado, let’s get to it. In the aftermath of E3 we are left with some good, some bad, and definitely some cringe (not looking at you EA). The press conferences that I bothered to watch was EA, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Sony, and Devolver whatever that was. So let’s start with EA, or rather get that out of the way. Let me tell you this much… they had sports, and more sports, another shitty Need for Speed ...

Gaming Dispatch Resurgence - The last couple of months

Gaming Dispatch is finally back again, with a logo even. Today we shall take a look at some news that has been released over the last couple of months. Only the news that I find particularly interesting though as it would be impossible to look at everything that has been happening. So let's get to it! Starcraft Remastered was announced, which I am really looking forward to as Starcraft 2 has been one of my favorite games for several years now. The remastered of the classic from 1998 was announced back on the 26th of March this year and is to be released some time during this summer, they haven’t said anything more specific than that yet. It’s actually thanks to this announcement that I got back into Starcraft II after almost a two year break. During the same announcement they also stated that the original version will be patched to 1.18 and then be available for free for anyone to download and play, which it indeed has been, something which also made me try o...