What i think so far: Tera Fate of Arun
What i think so far: Tera Fate of Arun Tera is a free to play MMORPG, which takes place in a fantasy world. I have now played for about 26 hours or so and have hit level 42, so i thought i would share some thoughts. Character creation: Let’s begin with the character creation, which i think i at least decent. You can choose between 7 races and 9 classes. Afterwards you can customize how your character looks. The customization is good, not great but good. There are some presets for you to choose from, but you can also fine tune the looks. And at last, you of course have to name your character. The world: Up to this point i would say that the different zones has been quite varied in how they look (if only the enemy variety had been that good as well). But i would say that the beginning island is the most visually stunning zone so far, although several of the other zones look good as well. Some zones look more dull that others, but i don’t really mi...